Juliana . As I feared , you have a shattered fibula .
Prof. juliana c.n. chan has been appointed professor of medicine and therapeutics from 1st october 2005 .
Anglo-saxon poet whose extant works are juliana , elene , the ascension , and the fates of the apostles .
Beatrix was born january 31 , 1938 , and when world war ii reached holland the family fled to london . Juliana , beatrix and her sister irene then moved to ottawa , canada .
In a similar vein , prof. juliana freire at the university of utah is working on an ambitious project called deeppeep ( www.deeppeep.org ) that eventually aims to crawl and index every database on the public web .
A growing body of research , including new studies by berkeley 's juliana breines and serena chen , suggest that self-compassion , rather than self-esteem , may be the key to unlocking your true potential for greatness .
Andy garcia and juliana margulies turn in award-worthy performances as vince and joyce rizzo : despite all their secrets , vince and his lovely wife express their love for one another in a way that is deeply touching -- without any resemblance to a hallmark card .