Leafcutter ants have large jaws to cut through plant and tree leaves , but they do not eat leaves .
" The other had his head turned to the side and had an even larger stone wedged quite violently into his mouth so that his jaws were almost dislocated , " he added .
Other physical features that signal dominance include narrow eyes and lips , as well as broad faces and square jaws .
In puberty , men 's faces develop brow ridges and square jaws , but women 's features remain less pronounced in those areas , she said .
The salamander species that the scientists are working with , ambystoma mexicanum , is more commonly called the mexican axolotl and is well known for being able to regrow severed parts of its body , such as its limbs and jaws .
Fanciers of muscular hounds with big jaws could circumnavigate the law by crossing , say , a mastiff with a pit bull , to create a perfectly legal canine nasty ( as , indeed , has happened in britain ) .
Almost all of the traits considered to be masculine-big muscles , facial hair , square jaws , deep voices and a propensity to violence-evolved , it now seems , specifically for their usefulness in fighting off or intimidating other men , allowing the winner to get the girl .