Javits 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- New york 's javits center was a crowded , noisy hothouse of handshaking and book signing this week at bookexpo america .
- 上周,2011美国图书展(BookExpoAmerica)在纽约贾维茨会议中心(JavitsCenter)开幕,展会现场人声鼎沸,到处都在忙着握手和签名售书。
- But the show was not in london 's olympia or new york 's javits center but entirely online .
- 但上述展会不是在伦敦奥林匹亚(olympia)会展中心或纽约javits中心举办的,而是完全在线举办的。
- I think we were the first delegation to meet after normalization -- with senators like jacob javits of new york , and frank church , and a number of other very prominent members .
- 我记得我们是关系正常化之后的第一个代表团,成员包括纽约州参议员雅各布贾维茨(jacobjavits)、弗兰克丘奇(frankchurch)以及其他一些非常重要的议员。
- The pair is up for adoption and will be at the " meet the breeds " event at the jacob javits center on oct. 17 and 18th .
- 这两只小猫正等待领养,他们将会现身10月17和18日在雅各布贾维茨中心举行的“meetthebreeds”展览会上。
- Before she knew it , barbara was walking the floor of the health and beauty show at new york 's javits convention center , taking a crash course in the beauty business .
- 在她知道之前,芭芭拉踏上纽约贾维茨会展中心的保健与美容中心的地板,上了个美容业的速成班。