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- In just two months , Jaden had learned so much .
- 在短短两个月内,杰登已经学到了很多。
- Actor Will Smith got to team up with his son Jaden in the movie “ The Pursuit of Happyness .
- 在电影《当幸福来敲门》中,威尔·史密斯带著儿子杰登一起出演。
- Jaden \'s father is a famous celebrity , and Jaden probably knows he could get away without having to work very hard .
- 杰登的父亲是名人,杰登可能知道他可以不必努力工作。
- Jaden Smith might have some of the wealthiest parents in the world , but he ` s doing just fine without their financial support .
- 贾登·史密斯可能拥有世界上最有钱的父母,但是他即使没有他们的经济支持也没问题。
- There was never any mention of Jaden being there , so when he showed up , it caused problems , a source told Us Weekly .
- 知情人士告诉《USWeekly》说,之前不知道杰登会来,所以当他出现的时候,问题就来了。
- JADEN SMITH : THE PURSUIT OF HAPPYNESS AND AFTER EARTH The young actor-musician , 14 , served as his dad \'s ultimate movie sidekick , playing the son of a struggling salesman in the 2006 biographical film .
- 贾登•史密斯:《当幸福来敲门》及《重返地球》这位14岁的年轻演员兼音乐人作为他父亲的终极电影搭档,在2006年的传记电影中饰演挣扎中的推销员的儿子。
- In the clip , dad Mike Wilson dresses as the web-slinging superhero as a birthday surprise for five-year-old son Jaden , who is currently battling a Grade 4 brain stem tumour , a condition which gives sufferers a year to live .
- 在视频片段中,这位名为迈克威尔逊的父亲变身为会吐丝织网的超级英雄,为五岁的儿子杰登献上生日礼物。杰登现正和一个四级的脑肿瘤干细胞做斗争,这种病的患者只有一年可以活。
- The youngster looks stunned as Mr Wilson , a parkour enthusiast from Hampshire , is seen to jump from the roof of their home , before introducing himself to Jaden and grilling the birthday boy on his age .
- 当来自汉普郡的跑酷狂热党威尔逊先生从自家房顶跳下后,还没来得及向杰登介绍自己和拷问小寿星的年龄,孩子已经看呆了。
- With his father currently out of the movie business ( he has made no pictures since Seven Pounds in 2008 , and has nothing come out until a Men in Black sequel in 2012 ), Jaden may even have to carry the burden of family celebrity .
- 由于近年来他的父亲淡出大银幕(2008年拍摄《七磅》后,他再无新作问世。而他最近的一项拍摄计划是2012年的《黑衣人》续集。),贾登可能真的要肩负明星家庭所带来的重担。
- Jaden was born three weeks prematurely on Friday in Las Vegas and weighed5lb7oz .
- 杰登上周五在拉斯维加斯出生,早产了三个星期,体重5磅7盎司。