

insects 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Biting insects now become a draining nuisance .
- 昆虫的叮咬现在成为排水公害。
- A spokesman said the insects released were not carrying malaria .
- 一位发言人说获释的昆虫并没有携带疟疾。
- What if insects hold the secret to fending off cyberattacks ?
- 倘若昆虫掌握着拦截网络攻击的秘密呢?
- Could insects provide food security for the coming centuries ?
- 昆虫是否能确保未来几百年的人类粮食安全呢?
- Dinosaurs , insects and mammals took to the air .
- 恐龙、昆虫和哺乳动物飞上了天空。
- Merchants sell fossilized insects , crustaceans and plants .
- 这里的商人还出售化石昆虫、甲壳类动物和植物。
- Warmer winter temperatures will help insects and plant diseases spread .
- 越来越暖和的冬天有利于昆虫的繁殖和植物疾病的传播。
- Different types of insects leave different types of marks from their meal .
- 不同种类的昆虫啃噬树叶时会留下不同的印记。
- But unlike most insects , fire ants have many nests .
- 但是不像大多数的昆虫,火蚁有许多的巢。
- Museums today keep insects away from their precious specimens .
- 如今为保护珍贵的标本,博物馆要使它们远离昆虫。