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Syrian rebels killed nine soldiers in fighting overnight in idlib , the u.k. - based syrian observatory for human rights said in an e-mailed statement today .
Across the border in a safe house in turkey , abdul karim al-ahmed , a general who defected a month ago , says he is set to return to help unite disparate rebel factions in the province of idlib .
In the northern city of idlib , residents said the use of heavy weapons had stopped but the government hadn 't removed troops and continued to arrest military-aged men .
Syrian human rights groups say the city of homs , hama city , idlib outbreak in rural and damascus protest activities in rural provinces .
According to reports , the un humanitarian assessment mission will also visit the city of latakia , idlib city and the city of hama .
After spending the night with a family , a car came to sneak us into a village near idlib where we would be based for five days .
Protests in the day , 19 security personnel were killed , including 15 city of homs , hama city 2 , idlib rural areas 1 , la city in rural areas 1 .
They also lie strategically on the north-south axis linking damascus to aleppo , and the rebellious governorates of homs and hama to idlib .
De la province in the south , the city of homs in central and northern idlib province and city of aleppo and damascus and damascus countryside province , militants clashed with police , 12 people were killed and another wounded .
The city of homs in central and northern idlib province and city of aleppo , on behalf of er zuer city and the eastern town of abu kamal , and damascus and other places in rural china have held a large-scale protest activities .