

Hudson 变化形式
易混淆的单词: hudson

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- Irwin stelzer is a business adviser and director of economic-policy studies at the hudson institute .
- 编者按:本文作者是hudsoninstitute研究经济政策的商业顾问和董事。
- In his ruling the judge , henry hudson , gave conservatives only half a loaf .
- 在此次裁决中,亨利哈得逊(henryhudson)法官只给了保守主义者一半的胜利。
- One-tenth of iceland 's population has emigrated , says prof hudson .
- 赫德森教授说,冰岛已经有十分之一人口移民海外。
- Hudson presented his research at a recent meeting of the american astronomical society ( aas ) in st. louis .
- 赫德森把他的研究成果提交到美国天文协会最近在圣路易斯举行的一次会议上。
- The hudson has been exploited and abused .
- 哈德逊河一直在被利用、虐待中。
- If that is true , it could completely change the way physicists look at superconductivity , said hudson .
- 如果真的这样,那么物理学家将完全改变对超导的看法,哈德森如是说。
- Or else he meanders from morningside park west to sakura park and then northward along the hudson river to harlem .
- 要么从晨边公园向西漫步去樱花公园,随后再沿着哈德森河的北面去到黑人住宅区。
- If hudson 's or another team were to reel in axions , the announcement that they are the dark matter particle would not immediately follow .
- 如果赫德森研究小组或另外一个研究小组参与到轴子的研究中来,并且宣布轴子就是暗物质粒子,他们的论断不会立刻被采纳的。
- Prior to 1797 the site of the ship was part of the hudson river , as was about half of the ground zero site .
- 1797年之前,该船舶的位置是哈得逊河的一部分,约占有工地新起始地点的一半。
- What important trade did the hudson 's bay company control ?
- 哈得逊湾公司控制着哪个重要行业?