hayley 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Hayley reaches the automobile thing limited company is specialized production automobile fine decorations and the label factory .
- 海利达汽车用品有限公司是一家专业生产汽车精美饰物及贴纸的厂家。
- The phone rang , and Hayley rushed to answer it .
- 电话铃响了,海莉赶紧冲过去接电话。
- Today , Hayley McCrea of Portland , Oregon asks the scientists
- 今天,来自波特兰俄勒冈州的观众海莉·麦克雷向科学家提出疑问
- Klaus tries to use Hayley to get the information hes after and makes an intriguing discovery in the process .
- 克劳斯试图通过海丽得到信息并在过程中得到了有趣的发现。
- Whenever Hayley expressed her affection to him , he always refused her with the excuse of having the same father .
- 每当赫莉有所表示,法厄同总是以他们是同一个父亲为由将赫莉挡在门外。
- Told her I was lieutenant Hayley from the L.A.P.D.
- 告诉她我是洛杉矶警察局的海莉队长。
- Hayley Stark : Does my face lie ?
- 海莉:我的也是?。
- On Saturday , the second day of London Fashion Week , Hayley Morley , got up early and went to work .
- 上周六是伦敦时装周,海莉莫利,第二天起了个大早,前往工作地点。
- For his death , Hayley cried for four months and became a poplar tree.Her tears became the sap of the tree .
- 而赫莉绝望的痛哭了四个月,最后变成了一棵白杨树,她的眼泪变成了晶莹的琥珀。
- I was out late with hayley .
- 昨天我和hayley玩得太晚了。