

hallway 变化形式
复数: hallways


hallway 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- He stood in the hallway thinking .
- 他站在走廊里想着。
- Creative bench found in the hallway of the british library in london .
- 在伦敦大英博物馆的走廊里发现的颇具创意的长凳。
- All we do is call 911 when the hallway starts to smell .
- 我们能做的就是在门厅开始有难闻的味道时赶紧拨打911报警。
- His spectacles flashed a last gleam before he disappeared into the cavernous hallway .
- 老人的身影消失进门厅的一刹那,他眼镜的镜片闪过最后一丝微光。
- Compared with the children 's ward just across the hallway , it is an oasis of restraint .
- 与仅隔一条过道的儿童病房相比,这里还是尚待开发的绿洲。
- Sally found her in a side hallway near the front desk and hauled her outside .
- 莎莉在靠着前排课桌的侧边过道里找到了她,然后把她往外拽。
- Four years ago , tenants were leaving as if a siren was blasting in the hallway .
- 四年前,房客纷纷搬离公寓,就像门厅有个报警器催他们似的。
- The second c. o.doesn 't answer , so he moves into the hallway to find him .
- 另一个狱警没有答话,这个狱警只好走出室外,在过道里找到了另一个狱警。
- A communal toilet and bathroom are at the end of the hallway .
- 在过道的尽头是公共卫生间和浴室。
- Much better to wait and do it in a hallway later .
- 等过一会儿之后在走廊交给他要好得多。