

Geneva 变化形式
易混淆的单词: geneva

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- Their diplomats held more than a dozen quiet meetings in geneva and paris .
- 双方外交人员在日内瓦和巴黎心平气和地召开了多次会议。
- The tgv whisked me from geneva to paris in just over three hours .
- 高速列车只花了三个多小时就将我从日内瓦运到了巴黎。
- But the company will retain its larger team of traders in geneva .
- 不过,托克仍将在日内瓦保留一支规模更大的交易员团队。
- Of three hybrid systems seen at geneva , lotus 's is the most electrified .
- 日内瓦车展三款混合电动车中,莲花是最电动化的。
- Housing in geneva is pricey even compared with the posher parts of london .
- 日内瓦的房价十分昂贵,甚至可以和伦敦的豪华区相媲美。
- Many governments spend a lot of time and resources polishing their act before they come to geneva .
- 许多政府在官员前往日内瓦之前会花费大量的时间和资源粉饰他们的行为。
- The next step : storm geneva to seek formal recognition from the world meteorological organization .
- 教授的下一步是:向世界气象组织征求日内瓦城暴风雨成因的广泛认同。
- Each will have some impressive new models to display at next month 's geneva motor show .
- 下月的日内瓦汽车展览会上,每个参展企业都将展出一些引人注目的新款车型。
- Diplomats familiar with preparations for geneva say the qom facility has transformed the outlook for the talks .
- 知悉日内瓦谈判准备工作内情的外交人员说,库姆的核设施改变了谈判的前景。
- Discussions on currency manipulation , the food crisis , and protectionist subsidies should route through geneva .
- 有关货币操纵、粮食危机以及贸易保护补助的讨论将在日内瓦逐一进行。