Facial expression predicted divorce even when the smile or frown was on a ten-year-old 's face .
At appropriate points you may also smile , frown , laugh , or be silent .
But the star-child heeded not their words , but would frown and flout , and go back to his companions , and lead them .
You know that when you speak to your parent or child , a frown indicates sadness or dissatisfaction .
A robot has taught itself to smile , frown , and make other human facial expressions using machine learning .
He suggested that if a depressed person can 't frown because of botox treatment , then others won 't frown back at them , thereby breaking the loop .
You get up every day with a frown on your face . Grab your towel , drudge down the hall to the shower .
It 's easier to smile than to frown : scientists have discovered that your body has to work harder and use more muscles to frown than it does to smile .
And the only frown they receive is not one from a pejorative mien but from themselves as they sit across the table and try to understand each other as they break through language , culture , caste and age quibbering and not knowing what to say to each other .