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People will object to this , they acknowledge , just like they objected to the claim , in freakonomics , that the legalisation of abortion in the 1970s was the reason for the precipitous drop in crime levels in america in the 1990s .
A new study by an economist , steve levitt , author of " freakonomics " , and thomas miles , his chicago university colleague , uses data on those who took part in the 2010 world series of poker , an annual contest in las vegas .
As often happens on freakonomics , this revolting tale begets an interesting discussion of economics : from the function of ' anchoring ' in influencing pricing behavior to the challenge of scaling small businesses to a national or global scale .
Hence , the freakonomics coin-toss website .
Among them is steven levitt , an economist at the university of chicago and author of " freakonomics " .
" Freakonomics " was the book that made the public believe the dismal science has something interesting to say about how people act in the real world .
Sample freakonomics post : when you buy a $ 1.50 pack of gum at a convenience store , the credit-card company gets 28 cents .