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美音 [ˈfɪktə, ˈfɪū-]    


费希特(Johanm Gottlieb,1762-1814,德国哲学家)

Fichte 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

Critical assimilation of fichte 's philosophy is the unshirkable duty of philosophy workers believing in marxism .
However , every staff of the company feels a tight connection to the behavior of the founder , mr. fichte .
Just as fichte , so schelling sought in religion the key to the origin and destiny of humans .
This position in its ' practical ' bearings is the one taken by the philosophy of kant , and even by that of fichte .
To the philosophy of fichte belongs the great merit of having called attention to the need of exhibiting the necessity of these categories and giving a genuine deduction of them .
To shoulder up the sacred responsibility of vitalizing the nation -- thinking provoked by fichte . J.g 's " mission of scholars "
The immediate result of the metaphysical systems of fichte and schelling was a revival of poetic production and criticism known as romanticism , which sprang from the school of goethe and schiller .
Fichte was a famous philosopher during the period of german classical philosophy . His thought on scholars mission , not only has the meaning on philosophy , but also producing deep value on education .
In the biography cartwright records the various stages of schopenhauer 's response to fichte initially bemusement , then the feeling that he was failing to comprehend him , and finally his conviction that the man was mouthing pretentious twaddle .
Hegel disagreed : like many of his fellow 19th century system builders , such as schelling and fichte , he could not bear these kantian tensions , and sought a resolution .