

Ferdinand 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- After shooting franz ferdinand he swallowed a cyanide tablet but it didn 't kill him .
- 在刺杀了斐迪南大公之后,他吞下一颗氰化物自杀,但并没有死成。
- World war I would have erupted absent the assassination of the archduke ferdinand , and the vietnam war would no doubt have started absent an incident in the gulf of tonkin .
- 就算没有刺杀斐迪南大公事件,一战也会爆发;就算没有东京湾事件,越战也能打响。
- So viscount ( and diplomat ) ferdinand marie de lesseps foundedla campagnie universelle du canal maritime de suez ( universal company of the suez maritime canal ) in 1858 to dig the ditch .
- 因而斐迪南德雷赛布子爵(他还是个外交官)创立了苏伊士运河通用公司,并于1858年开始挖掘运河的工作。
- 19a Protester , her face painted with a call to free political prisoners , joins a rally near the presidential palace in manila on sept. 21 to call attention to the 39th anniversary of the imposition of martial law by the late strongman ferdinand marcos .
- 9月21日,在马尼拉总统府附近的集会上,有一名脸上绘有呼吁释放政治犯字样的抗议者,他试图引起人们对已故铁碗人物斐迪南.马科斯强制实行军事管制39周年的关注。