
Excalibur 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- In fact , the low-energy trajectory planned by excalibur almaz will take its crew members farther from the earth than any other humans have been .
- 事实上,神剑计划的低能量轨道将能把它的工作人员送到离地球比以前所有人都远的地方。
- On june 19th excalibur almaz , a space company based on the isle of man , a british dependency in the irish sea , became the second company-after space adventures , an american space-tourism firm-to offer tickets for a commercial moonshot .
- 一个英国支持的位于英国曼岛的神剑在六月19号成为第为继美国空间旅游公司空间探险公司之后第二家空间旅行公司为登月的商业用途提供票。
- Neither firm will start refitting its spacecraft , a process expected to take around three years , until it has sold all the seats on its maiden flights ( two for space adventures , three for excalibur almaz ) .
- 这两家公司都还没有开始预计需时三年的飞船改装过程,他们要在公司售出了处女航的所有船票(太空探险两张、王剑钻石三张)之后才开始。
- Excalibur 's technology would effectively turn your cell phone into a secureid .
- 神剑的技术能有效地把用户的手机变成为一个安全ID。
- -- Excalibur , harvard university and technical university kosice , slovakia
- ——哈佛大学(HarvardUniversity)和斯洛伐克科希策技术大学(TechnicalUniversityKosice)的神剑(Excalibur)队。
- Excalibur almaz 's bulky space stations will need a lot more work to convert into lunar spacecraft .
- 把王剑钻石庞大的空间站改装成探月飞船需要做的工作就多得多了。
- Space tourists with deep pockets and dreams of recapturing cold war nostalgia need look no further than excalibur almaz .
- 梦想体验具有冷战怀旧氛围太空游的游客们一定会喜欢阿尔马兹神剑公司(excaliburalmaz)。