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- Greek prime minister antonis samaras has wrapped up meetings with the head of eurogroup , saying his country is moving toward economic stability .
- 希腊总理萨马拉斯已经结束了与欧元集团负责人们的会谈,他表示自己国家的经济正逐步趋于稳定。
- His central ideas are : combining emergency aid for countries running excessive fiscal deficits with fierce penalties ; suspending voting rights of badly behaving members within the eurogroup ; and allowing a member to exit the monetary union , while remaining inside the european union .
- 他的核心观点是:将向运行过度财政赤字的国家提供紧急援助与严厉惩罚结合起来;暂停欧元区的行为不当成员国的投票权;以及允许欧元区成员国退出欧洲货币联盟,同时仍保留其欧盟成员国身份。
- The average restaurant bill slipped 2.5 % to 12.61 euros ( $ 16.39 ) in 2009 from the year before , according to the most recent data in a february report prepared by eurogroup consulting for the hotel-and-restaurant trade association umih .
- eurogroupconsulting2月份为法国餐饮及酒店业协会(umih)所做报告中的最新数据显示,2009年平均餐厅账单数额较上一年下滑2.5%至12.61欧元(16.39美元)。