In both books the elite uses power to oppress , not enlighten .
For centuries , architects have aspired to create buildings that enlighten or transform civilization , only to see them remain isolated splendors , with little impact on society at large .
And since most of the important media are either owned or controlled by wealthy and otherwise privileged groups , it is next to impossible to really enlighten the masses -- to liberate them from their " false consciousness . "
" No doubt , there are other notable and worthy photographs that could have secured a spot in the top 40 gallery , " black added , " but this diverse cross section clearly demonstrates the power of photographs to educate , enlighten , inspire , and stir us into action to protect our limited natural resources . "
We all want to date someone who can enrich our lives with stories or enlighten us with their experiences .
So in 2004 he started the blog to enlighten germans on topics like open-source software and digital rights through education and activism .
Dante alighieri taught us many things , not only did he enlighten us with his fantastic poetry , but he also gave us a great understanding of the meaning of culture .
Since I 'm ( really ) on holiday , I 'll leave it to commenters to enlighten each other , and me on my return .
There are so many arguments packed into these two ideas that it 's hard to start , much less finish , in a blog post . Since I 'm ( really ) on holiday , I 'll leave it to commenters to enlighten each other , and me on my return .