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Louisiana 's experience should be closely studied in california , as that state embarks on its new plan to farm imprisonment out to local officials .
This year northern ireland embarks on a " decade of centenaries " - a series of anniversaries of the violent events that led to the establishment of a largely catholic ireland and a largely protestant northern ireland .
Mr obama , who embarks tomorrow on his first big foreign trip as president , said he had agreed with angela merkel of germany and nicolas sarkozy of france on the need to co-ordinate more fiscal stimulus and build new regulations .
Buffett embarks on a european trip this month to scout for acquisitions .
Although many investors do not expect another round of quantitative easing , whether or not the fed embarks on another round is still subject to fierce debate .
But this is now spreading to manual jobs , particularly in the construction industry as the country embarks on an unprecedented building boom .
As she embarks on the last year of her term , she faces the challenge of tackling an economy that is fast losing steam and there are few signs she will rise to the test .
This month , president obama embarks on as tough a term of office as possibly any president before him , save perhaps fdr and abraham lincoln .
By september , the doves win out and the fed embarks on aggressive easing .
But , as obama embarks on his second term , it 's time for him to take some risks .