
Einhorn 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Mr. einhorn declined to comment .
- 埃因霍恩不愿置评。
- But mr einhorn is right that microsoft has not been a very successful investor .
- 但艾因霍恩指责微软不是一个非常成功的投资者的说法没有错。
- Einhorn is asia regional editor in bloomberg businessweek 's hong kong bureau .
- einhorn是《商业周刊》香港分社的亚洲区编辑。
- David einhorn , an influential hedge-fund manager , called for steve ballmer 's resignation as chief executive of microsoft .
- 一位有影响力的对冲基金管理人davideinhorn要求微软首席执行官史蒂夫鲍尔默辞职。
- One big hedge fund shareholder , david einhorn of greenlight capital even sold off his shares last week due to the issue .
- 作为雅虎大股东的对冲基金greenlightcapital的创始人艾因霍恩(davideinhorn)上周甚至因为此事卖掉了所持的雅虎股票。
- Einhorn says ballmer is " the biggest overhang on the company 's stock price . "
- 埃因霍温说鲍尔默“是该公司股票的最大威胁”。
- Mr. einhorn said greenlight has held the stock for two to three years .
- 埃因霍恩说,greenlight基金持有苹果公司股票已有两三年时间。
- A contributor to public radio 's this american life , einhorn and her story were the basis for one of the show 's most popular episodes .
- 艾琳是公共电台节目《美国生活》的投稿人,她本人和她创作的故事很受欢迎。
- Among hedge fund managers , david einhorn was in , but dan loeb was out , at least as far as their terminals were concerned .
- 在对冲基金经理当中,大卫•埃因霍恩在线,而丹•勒布则是离线,至少从他们的彭博终端状态来看是这样。
- That happened after the next speaker , david einhorn of greenlight capital , a hedge fund famous for taking very large short positions , said grundlach was flat wrong .
- 这发生在第二位发言人GreenlightCapital的戴维•埃因霍恩讲话之后,GreenlightCapital以持有大量空头头寸而知名。