So a team led by ecologist gregory asner of the carnegie institution for science in stanford , california , developed a hybrid technology .
They are also reaching gardens and vegetable patches , says johann goldammer , a fire ecologist and director of the gfmc . " Many poor people will lose their harvest , which they need to survive the winter , " he says .
Ecologist m. jahi chappell is currently a postdoctoral associate and provost 's academic diversity fellow in science & technology studies at cornell university .
Andy foote , a marine ecologist at the university of copenhagen who has studied vocal learning in killer whales , agrees that noc 's calls sound human .
Mammal hibernation matters to human medical research , says physiological ecologist hank harlow of the university of wyoming in laramie .
Mr. george , who described himself as chief scientist on the project and said he has training as a plant ecologist , refused to name any of the other scientists on the team .
Ecologist dan botkin speaks of forests " marching slowly across the landscape to the beat of the changing climate . "
The app , due to launch next month , was funded by the us national oceanic and atmospheric administration and put together by a team led by ecologist timothy carter at butler .