Duche 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- One of the reasons gail was keen to cement a relationship with duche is the quality of its gelatin .
- gail急于对与duche的关系做一个评价的原因之一在于其凝胶的品质。
- Gail contacted duche , a french concern that makes the special gelatin , flavorings and colored powders and publishes a magazine to promote them .
- gail联系了duche,一家制作独特凝胶、调味料和上色粉的法国公司,它发行了一本杂志来推销这些产品。
- She set her sights on being the u.s. distributor for duche , and went to the company 's plant outside mexico city to take its gelatina classes in early 2008 .
- 她把目光描准了成为duche的在美国的经销商,并且在2008年初时去了这家公司在墨西哥城的工厂外面开始她的胶冻课。