


Denver 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Denver international airport currently has the most runways in the world with six .
- 目前丹佛国际机场拥有6条跑道,是世界上最多的。
- In denver four years ago , an inspiring presidential candidate announced that he would change america .
- 四年前在丹佛,一位鼓舞人心的总统候选人宣布他将改变美国。
- Gutierrez will be the co-director of the new consortium at the denver va medical center .
- 古铁雷斯将成为佛吉尼亚丹佛市医学中心的新协会的主管之一。
- Still is an american great . Congratulations to denver for securing his legacy .
- 史蒂尔是一名美国伟人,祝贺丹佛护卫了他的遗产。
- Denver nuggets forward danilo gallinari rejoined his former italian club olimpia milano last week .
- 丹佛掘金的前锋加里纳里也于上周重新加入了他的老东家米兰奥林匹亚。
- More than 200 people auditioned in los angeles , denver and new york .
- 这个项目吸引了超过200人参加了在洛杉矶,丹佛和纽约的试音。
- Next week , romney and obama will meet for their first debate , in denver .
- 下一周,罗姆尼和奥巴马将会在丹佛会面并展开首场辩论。
- Susan : I want to make you a great dinner before you leave for denver .
- 苏珊:在你去丹佛之前,我要好好为你做顿饭。
- Barack obama signed his $ 787 billion stimulus package into law at a ceremony in denver .
- 巴拉克奥巴马在丹佛的一个仪式上签署了一份787亿美元的刺激计划法案。
- She looked as american as anyone I might have passed in the streets of des moines or denver .
- 她看上去像在得梅因或丹佛街上与我擦肩而过的任何一位美国人。