Della 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Della cried as usual . Coughed .
- 黛拉和往常一样哭着,咳嗽着。
- Three times della counted it .
- 德拉数了三遍。
- Jim and della love each other .
- 吉姆和德拉彼此相爱。
- Della went to open all the windows in father 's room .
- 黛拉随后又跑到爸爸的房间,打开了房间里所有的窗子。
- Maybe , della was alone . She used to lock herself in her own room .
- 或许,黛拉是孤独的,她总是把自己锁在房间里。
- Della explains that her love for him is more important than her hair .
- 黛拉解释说她对吉姆的爱远比她的头发更重要。
- The things of which they felt proud were jim 's watch and della 's hair .
- 他们引以为豪的东西是吉姆的手表和德拉的头发。
- Della couldn 't have lived through christmas without giving jim a present .
- 德拉不送给吉姆一件礼物,他简直过不了圣诞节。
- Had the queen of sheba lived in the flat across the airshaft , della would have lat her hair hang out the widow some day to dry just to depreciate her majesty 's jewels and gifts .
- 如果希巴女皇住在气窗对面的公寓,德拉总会有一天把头发悬在窗外去晾干,只是为了使那位皇后的珠宝和首饰相形见绌。
- The socially optimal number of fashion designers is surely a fraction of the number sketching buttons in the quadrilatero della moda in milan .
- 时尚设计师的社会最优人数,显然只是在米兰时尚四边形(quadrilaterodellamoda)设计纽扣的人数的一小部分。