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Some excellent historical perspective can be found in this speech made in september last year by deepak mohanty , the executive director of the reserve bank of india .
Invented 30 years ago , and practised by deepak chopra , this involves breathing in huge amounts of oxygen quickly to achieve a euphoric reaction , seen as being therapeutic for depression and anxiety ( www.transformationalbreathing . Com ) .
Having sold over 3 million copies worldwide , you can safely assume that deepak chopra , an indian medical doctor , speaker and writer , pretty much has the topic of self-help nailed .
Doctor phil , tony robbins , oprah and even deepak all take a crap every day , have all hurt people , have all told lies , have all made massive mistakes ( and will continue to ) and are all flawed because they are wonderfully , amazingly , uniquely ......
Deepak rao , managing director at goldman sachs , says pricing of convertible bonds were less attractive to issuers in the second half of 2005 and most of 2006 because equity volatility levels had fallen .
The competition to gain admission to these institutions helps explain the success of those indian managers who do make it , says deepak gupta , managing director at the executive search firm korn / ferry , based in new delhi .
Top ceos , advisors to heads of state , and even former supermodel tyra banks turn to harvard 's deepak malhotra for advice .
" Previous research has shown that paying people more than they expect may elicit reciprocity in the form of greater productivity , " notes deepak malhotra , a harvard business-administration professor who worked on the study .
An executive ( who is one of deepak 's students ) was recently involved in a dispute with an ex-employee .
Urologist deepak kapoor says in about twenty years of psa testing , death rates for prostate cancer have dropped by thirty-eight percent .