Dec 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Dec and sun don 't exist anymore .
- dec和sun公司都不再存在了。
- By the time the british public was finally told there would be a significant troop deployment on dec 18 , 2002 there were only weeks left before the war and it had too much momentum to stop .
- 等到英国公众最终被告知会有一场重大的军事行动的时候那是2002年12月18号离战争仅有几个星期,那时想要停止的势头已无法阻止。
- Yet dec ran into trouble , leaving little time or money for the sort of innovation that interested mr chou .
- 但后来dec经营陷入困境,而周相当感兴趣的公司改革部分,其实并没有剩下多少时间和资金来进行。
- In 1967 , hawking published a paper in the bulletin of the world health organization showing that dec stays stable and potent in salt , even after being cooked .
- 霍金1967年在世卫组织月报上发表了一篇论文,说明了食盐中的dec即使被烹调过,也能保持稳定和药效。
- Five years later , the shell introduced functionality from the tenex system ( popular on dec pdp systems ) .
- 五年之后,该外壳引入了tenex系统(在decpdp系统上很流行)上的功能。
- About six weeks ago , mr. niederauer and his team drew up a timetable that culminated in a planned announcement on dec 20th , people familiar with the matter said .
- 知情人士说,尼德奥尔和他的团队大约六周前制定了一个时间表,打算最终于12月20日宣布有关交易的消息。
- Prescribed tax year : from jan. 1 to dec 31 in the gregorian calendar .
- 纳税年度时间规定:自公历一月一日至十二月三十一日。
- Dec - the disaster emergency committee .
- 善款将交予紧急灾难委员会进行。
- Rebounded rapidly in dec 2010 after the games ended .
- 亚运结束后,在201012月已迅速回升。
- Spanish soldiers carry construction materials and equipment for the establishment of the new observation post echo in an undisclosed location in afghanistan on dec 16th , 2010 .
- 西班牙士兵携带新的观察哨回声设施建设材料和设备的一个秘密地点阿富汗月16日,2010年。