Debra 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Fashion pr debra bourne is co-founder of all walks on the catwalk , which campaigns for diversity of age , shape and ethnicity in fashion .
- 时尚公关debrabourne是allwalksonthecatwalk的联合创立者,它为不同年纪、体态和种族做时尚广告。
- His daughter , debra mintz , 59 , has been overseeing the final sales , the last of which will be on saturday .
- 他的女儿,59岁的debramintz,照看着周六的最后清仓大处理。
- ' People like to hide out while they heal , ' says debra jaliman , a dermatologist in new york city .
- 纽约市皮肤科医师加里曼(debrajaliman)说,人们喜欢在恢复期间躲起来。
- Across the web , there are women writing about their heartfelt acceptance of their moustaches and beards , including debra ann beechy , who has written a doctoral thesis on the topic .
- 整个网络,女人们写的全是关于她们诚心接受她们胡子的文章,其中也包括黛布拉.安.碧池,关于这个话题她写了一篇博士论文。
- The names jack , bruce , sally and debra are also common leader names in north america , according to a recent analysis by the professional social media website .
- 根据该专业社交网媒最近的一个分析报告,北美最常见的领导名字还包括jackbrucesally和debra.
- Even so , debra aho williamson , an analyst at emarketer , believes " these worlds are a training ground for the three-dimensional web " .
- 既便如此,emarketer的一位分析家debraahowilliamson相信“这些虚拟社区为三维网络垫定了基础”。
- " Based on previous research , however , youth indicate that parents are a primary source of sex information for them and that parents most influence their decisions about sex , " study co-author debra bernat , of florida state university , said in a center for advancing health news release .
- 该调查的合著者、佛罗里达州立大学的黛布拉?伯纳特在一个健康促进中心的新闻发布会上说:“然而,在之前的调查中,青少年指出父母是性知识的主要来源,而且父母对他们有关性行为的决定影响最大。”
- By early september 2008 , george vaughan thought his wife , debra , was finally recovering .
- 直到2008年9月初,乔治沃恩(georgevaughan)还相信他的妻子黛博拉(debra)终于开始康复了。
- Reconstructed mijia xiang in pingyao , by debra bruno
- 重建后的平遥米家巷,摄影:黛博拉布鲁诺
- Debra j. wolgemuth , a geneticist at the columbia university medical center , is testing in mice another drug that inhibits retinoic acid without alcohol interactions .
- 哥伦比亚医疗中心的一位遗传学者黛布拉j.沃尔格木斯正在老鼠身上测试另一种可抑制维生素a酸而无需戒酒的药物。