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- Another is to send peacekeepers as far away as to lebanon and darfur .
- 另一个表现是向远至黎巴嫩与达尔富尔等地派遣维和人员。
- Until now , only america had attached that label to events in darfur .
- 到目前为止,只有美国把这个标签贴到了达尔富尔事件上。
- These trend-lines in darfur have become depressingly familiar over the past few years .
- 过去几年来达尔富尔的这种趋势变得令人沮丧地熟悉。
- America can deliver all this in return for improvements in darfur , elections and much else .
- 美国能提供所有这些,只要达尔富尔、选举和其它许多情况得到改善。
- Even though the americans then called darfur genocide , they didn 't change their policy .
- 尽管美国人后来称为达尔富尔种族屠杀,他们仍然没有改变他们的政策。
- Theother two are in darfur in the west and in southern kordofan 's nuba mountains .
- 另外两个是在苏丹西部的达尔富尔地区和南科尔多凡州的努巴山区。
- In darfur the un is due to start deploying its forces in a few weeks .
- 在达尔富尔地区,联合国预定在数周内开始部署其维和部队。
- But darfur 's violence began with the onset of a decades-long drought .
- 但达尔富尔(darfur)的暴力冲突肇始于长达数十年的干旱。
- But by the time of the darfur conflict four years ago , scientists had identified another cause .
- 但在达尔富尔冲突爆发的四年前,科学家们发现了另一个原因。
- So peace between sudan and chad should help resolve the seven-year-old conflict in darfur .
- 因此,苏丹与乍得之间和平协议的达成应当有助于解决达尔富尔地区长达7年的冲突。