
Cornelia 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- But the blood of the samurai faction was wiped out by cornelia .
- 但"武士之血"已被柯内莉亚剿除了。
- Invincible louisa : the story of the author of little women by cornelia meigs .
- 不可征服的路易莎:小妇人作者的故事。
- Airplanes sit partially submerged in floodwater at the cornelia fort airpark tuesday , may 4 , 2010 , in nashville , tennessee .
- 坐在飞机部分淹没在洪水在内尔雅堡帕克星期二,2010年5月4日,在田纳西州纳什维尔。
- Ms pritchard is researching cornelia de lange syndrome , a rare genetic disorder that causes abnormal arms and faces , behavioural problems , autistic-like learning difficulties and slow growth in sufferers .
- 普里查德正在研究狄兰吉氏症候群,该症是由罕见的基因缺陷引起的,会造成患者上肢和面部畸形,行为异常,类似自闭症的学习困难和发育迟缓。
- Currently , he helps run a science and performance event on the second sunday of every month at the cornelia street cafe in new york .
- 每个月的第二个星期天,他还在纽约的科妮莉亚街咖啡馆(CorneliaStreetcafe)协助主持一个兼顾科学与表演的沙龙。
- Cornelia and the audacious escapades of the somerset sisters .
- 科妮莉亚和萨默塞特姐妹的这次大胆出轨。
- Blair waldorf ( full name : blair cornelia waldorf ) was born into high society on manhattan 's upper east side .
- 布莱尔沃尔多夫(全名为布莱尔科妮莉亚沃尔多夫)出生于曼哈顿东上区的上流社会。
- Cornelia tumale knows the one tiny room she occupies in an abandoned government housing project in manila is no place to raise six children .
- 科妮莉亚图梅尔(corneliatumale)清楚,马尼拉废弃的政府住房项目中那间小小的屋子,不适合抚养六个孩子。
- Dombey obeyed ; giving his hand to the abstruse cornelia , and looking at her sideways , with timid curiosity , as they went away together .
- 董贝遵从命令,把手伸给了那位莫测高深的科妮莉亚;当他们一起走开的时候,他怀着胆怯的好奇心,斜眼看着她。