

[女子名] 科迪莉亚来源于凯尔特语及日耳曼语,含义是“海的女儿,心”(sea daughter,heart)

Cordelia 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

Although chapman did not show up , a friend of hers , cordelia donovan , who lives in new york city and has been corresponding with chapman via e-mail since her deportation , tells time the ex-spy had been very tempted .
The first of her books to feature a female lead , private detective cordelia gray , is called an unsuitable job for a woman , and one wonders to what extent james 's own experiences in the workplace inspired it .
I think this lady to be my child cordelia .
But by the time he makes this discovery it is too late , for his death and cordelia 's are already decided on .
There has been a grotesque overstatement of the evidence that males and females are born with different brains as cordelia fine has documented in her book delusions of gender .
There has been a grotesque overstatement of the evidence that males and females are born with different brains , as cordelia fine has documented in her book delusions of gender .