

n.文案人员;广告文编写人( copywriter的名词复数 )

Copywriters 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

Their preferences might appear to drive fashions , but perhaps copywriters at places such as BMP are wrong maybe an increasing proportion of customers don \' t want radical or innovative .
By analyzing Themes and TP patterns of English advertising , the paper provides a clear clue for copywriters and helps them find the appropriate TP patterns to optimize the goal of the advertisers .
Copywriters should know how to employ the various politeness strategies to enhance the advertising effect , and how to overcome the cultural differences to produce good English advertisements.The paper enriches the studies on politeness in advertisements .
At the same time , the author hopes that the thesis may enrich the understanding of pragmatic presupposition and modify the existing studies of advertising language theoretically and help advertising copywriters design more attractive and more successful ads practically .
Reading the publications carefully , we found the copywriters of “ Golden House Monthly ” had not their own standpoint as translating aesthetic literature . With the mentality of cosmopolitism literature , they embraced western and Japanese aestheticism without any principle and criticism.Most of the copywriters of “ Golden House Monthly ” had the oversea studying experience .
Therefore , the author finds it necessary to conduct a study of the textual features of the worldly known automobile companies ’ advertisements to provide our advertising copywriters with some reference.According to Halliday ’ s critical masterpiece An Introduction to Functional Grammar , people could apply this theory to analyzing all styles of discourse in both spoken and written forms , in which there are simultaneously three levels of meaning .
Large amount of examples are used to demonstrate a series of strategies that code-switching function as in advertising.The present study of Chinese-English code-switching in advertising as communicative strategies from the adaptation theory may not only enrich the research of code-switching but also it is helpful for copywriters and people ’ s right attitude to code-switching in advertising .
The author makes efforts to obtain some insightful views about pragmatic presupposition in advertising language and hopes that will contribute to a better understanding of how pragmatic presupposition works in making advertising language more attractive , persuasive and motivating and help advertising copywriters employ the presupposition in advertising language more skillfully and successfully.This thesis combines a qualitative study and a quantitative study , with the qualitative one being the main research method .
The creative ideas in the advertisements reflect the wisdom of copywriters .
To a person , the copywriters quoted in the book stress that the process emerged because they lived in perpetual fear of losing their reader .