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- Gold 's appeal as a haven in time of trouble has boosted prices over the past three years , with the precious metal reaching a record comex futures close of $ 1257.20 an ounce june 18 .
- 过去三年黄金这一避险工具的吸引力提升了金价,6月18日期金在纽约商品期货交易所(comex)收于每盎司1257.20美元的纪录高位。
- The most actively traded contract , for february delivery , settled down 1.1 % , or $ 15.20 , at $ 1371 a troy ounce on the comex division of the new york mercantile exchange .
- 纽约商品期货交易所(comex)交投最为热络的明年2月交割的期货合约结算价报每盎司1371美元,跌幅为1.1%,或15.20美元。
- Having almost doubled in price in six months , silver has slipped 12 % this week , as comex raised trading margins on silver contracts for the third time in two weeks .
- 银价在六个月内涨了近一倍后,随着纽约商交所comex分部两周内第三次提高白银期货合约的交易保证金要求,银价本周跌了12%。
- Comex a new york exchange that trades principally in metal futures .
- 指纽约一家主要从事金属期货买卖的交易所。
- Comex contract becomes the dominant gold futures contract .
- 品合约成为世界黄金期货主要的交易合约.
- Let 's take a look at the chart . Figure 1 below , shows a monthly comex nearby futures chart of the copper market .
- 让我们看看这图表,下面的图1,显示了每月纽约商品交易所铜市场近期的期货图表。
- May gold futures on friday rose $ 7.70 , or 0.8 % , to $ 958.50 an ounce on the comex division of the new york mercantile exchange .
- 纽约商交所comex五月交割的黄金期货上周五上涨7.70美元,至每盎司958.50美元,涨幅0.8%。
- Meanwhile , sucden forecasts copper averaging $ 3.62 a pound next year , more than 3 % above current comex prices .
- 与此同时,sucden预计明年铜价平均为每磅3.62美元,超过当前comex价格的3%。
- December copper futures ended wednesday 3.2 % higher , at $ 3.9460 a pound , on the comex division of the new york mercantile exchange .
- 周三在纽约商品期货交易所(comex)12月铜收高3.2%,报每磅3.9460美元。
- While investor positioning in comex gold futures had by last tuesday risen to the most bullish level in five months , bankers say that macro hedge funds , often at the leading edge of investor interest in the metal , have stayed out of the market this year .
- 虽然在上上周二之前,持有纽约商品交易所(comex)黄金期货头寸的投资者的看涨情绪,已升至5个月以来的最高水平,但银行家们表示,宏观对冲基金在对黄金感兴趣的各路投资者中,它们是其中的主力军今年已经退场。