
Clearwater 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Clearwater lakes in quebec , canada were formed by a pair of asteroid impact craters . The impacts probably occurred simultaneously around 290 million years ago .
- 加拿大魁北克的清水湖由一对小行星撞击而成,时间可能都在2.9亿年前。
- To unwind , she 'd watch the dolphins play at clearwater marine aquarium , near her home in palm harbor .
- 她家在坦帕棕榈港,离她家不远处有个克利尔沃特海洋水族馆,她会放松地看着海豚们在那儿玩耍。
- Rushed to clearwater marine hospital , it appeared she might not survive .
- 速度送到清水海洋医院以后,发现她可能无法存活下来。
- Though tampa is the area 's largest city , st petersburg and clearwater , in pinellas , have a larger combined population .
- 坦帕市虽为这一地区最大的城市,但居住在派尼拉斯郡圣彼得堡和克利尔沃特的人口则更多。
- Pricewaterhousecoopers and kpmg are both listed as having links with parliamentary staff , as are numerous smaller consultancies such as clearwater and titon .
- 普华永道和毕马威都在和国会人员有联系的名单上,很多小一些的咨询公司比如克利尔沃特和提腾也一样。