Cheri 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Cheri researchers found that 143 public colleges and universities now have some form of differential tuition-in other words , charging more by major , college , or year enrolled .
- cheri的研究者发现143个公立学院和大学现在已经有一些收取不同学费的形式了换句话说,按照专业、学院或者学制来收取更多的学费。
- Berlin , germany : michelle pfeiffer arrives for the premiere of the film cheri at the 59th berlin international film festival
- 德国,柏林:第59届柏林国际电影节,米歇尔.菲佛抵达电影《谢利》的首映礼。
- In her book , opening your child 's nine learning windows , cheri fuller examines nine learning windows that children are born with : language , musical , logical , mathematical , curiosity , emotional , spiritual , physical , and values .
- 在切瑞福勒《开启孩子的九种学习能力》一书中她写道:孩子生下来就有九种学习能力:语言,音乐,逻辑,数学,好奇,情感,灵性,身体和价值观。
- The usaid 's food for peace and the un 's carmen program for housing repair are among the early adopters , along with the haitian government 's ti manman cheri , which pays a monthly stipend to poor women who keep their children in school .
- 它早期参与的一些项目包括美国国际开发署的“食物换和平”计划以及联合国发起的旨在帮海地人维修房屋的CARMEN项目,另外还有海地政府发起的TiManmanCheri项目,主要是向家里有学生的贫困妇女发放生活补助。