Celine 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Wait a minute.is this a prank ? Did sheila from team celine put you up to this ?
- 等待,这是一个恶作剧吗?这是席琳队的希拉给你的吗?
- Women could try cutting the hem off an a-line skirt raw edges are so celine , which should be your 2010 wardrobe ambition .
- 女士们可以尝试剪掉a字形裙子的下摆它的毛边有席琳迪风范,这些都会是你2010年衣柜的野心。
- A department store , for instance , may be asked to take loewe or celine in order to get vuitton .
- 例如,要vuitton入驻一家百货公司,那么这家百货公司可能得同时接受罗意威和celine这两个品牌。
- It 's like a marriage ( celine dion actually did marry her manager ) , and when it goes wrong it can get just as messy as an actual divorce .
- 这就像一场婚姻(celinedion还真的和她经纪人结婚了),出问题时会和真的离婚那样混乱。
- Avon , a pioneer in the beauty business , rejected a $ 10 billion takeover fromcoty , a supplier of perfumes including the david beckham and celine dion brands .
- 美容业领头者雅芳拒绝了来自拥有davidbeckham和celinedion两大品牌的香水供应商科蒂的100亿美元的收购提议。
- Celine : just about reincarnation and where all the new souls come through over time .
- 塞琳:就是与转世投胎有关。跨越时间所有新的灵魂诞生的地方。
- Celine is driven to bridge the space between her and jesse .
- 被爱驱使的席琳努力要在她和杰西之间架起心灵之桥。
- Celine and I looked wonderingly at the breathtaking view of the city .
- 塞利娜和我吃惊地看着这座城市令人惊叹的美景。
- Celine announced that she was pregnant in may .
- 在今年五月,席琳-迪翁向外界宣布了怀孕一事。
- Next , he purchased christian lacroix and celine .
- 接下来,他并购了克利斯汀。拉夸和思琳。