Carnegie 怎么读,Carnegie 的音标和真人发音
[ˈkɑrnəɡɪ, kɑrˈneɡɪ, -ˈnɛɡɪ]
Carnegie 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释 Many of them tried to imitate the scientific philanthropy of the carnegie and rockefeller foundations . 他们中的很多人都试图模仿卡耐基和洛克菲勒基金会的科学慈善模式。 But soon carnegie was seen practicing public speaking on the riverside . 但是很快人们又看到卡内基在河边练习演讲了。 It was recently published by a researcher at carnegie mellon university . 来看看这个有趣的统计,最近才由卡耐基梅隆大学的研究人员公布的统计。 Another reason for carnegie 's relative decline may be that 100 years is too old for a philanthropic foundation . 卡耐基相对下降的另一个原因可能是100岁对于一个慈善机构来说太老了。 Like ogilvy , carnegie was a scottish immigrant who made his fortune in america . 与奥格威一样,卡耐基是一位在美国发了财的苏格兰移民。 No less an authority than hans moravec , of carnegie mellon university in pittsburgh , expected all-purpose robots to be widely available by 2010 . 匹兹堡carnegiemellon大学的hansmoravec当之无愧是这方面的权威人士,他曾预测2010年,多用途机器人将投入使用。 Researchers at carnegie mellon university believe they have achieved a breakthrough in the reconstruction of three-dimensional models from twodimensional images ( pictured ) . 卡耐基梅隆大学(carnegiemellonuniversity)的研究者们认为,他们已经在将二维图像重建为三维模型方面做出了重大突破。 People will look to what those in the past have done just as we may look to a carnegie or rockefeller or something to get our own ideas . 人们会参照过去的人是怎么做的,就像我们可能会参照卡耐基(carnegie)或洛克菲勒(rockefeller)等人的行为,以获得我们自己的想法。 George perkovich of the carnegie endowment , a think tank , says pakistan should lift its veto on a ban on the production of fissile materials for bombs . 智囊机构carnegieendowment的georgeperkovich认为,巴基斯坦应向制弹用可裂变材料的生产禁令高举反对票。 Does this line go to carnegie hall ? 这是去卡奈基礼堂的吗?