Whirlwind attacks gain a damage bonus from the bushido skill , increasing as it affects more enemies .
Bushido is the ethical principle that the japanese samurai have to comply with .
In bushido , it is an honor to be punished in place ofyour superior .
Bushido has become one of the universal words .
Hungry hungry eer fat spread was greatly affected by the great satan are on the outside of bushido .
Bushido is the peculiar moral system of japan . It was the dominant moral norm , which lead ing the national spirit of japan from its emergence in the 11th century .
In the conclusion , the writer expounder in detail that during the different times , the confucianism exerted varying influences on bushido .
The mutual influence between monk and cavalier , together with the important role buddhism played in the training of cavalier and politician , has deep impact on the unique concept of life and death of japanese nationality , which becomes the essential mental source of bushido .
Bushido is originated from the the backgroud of japanese samurai culture , alter development and accumulating through thousands of years , merging into an integral whole with japanese ethical culture , it has far-reaching influence to nippon ethos and becomes the core of it .
Bushido is not a religion , but japanese zen has award the feature of " surmounting death " to it . Japanese zen prospered in samurai society , and so it was also called " religion of samurai " .