
Burgundian 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- This charming inn , at the gate of dijon , the capital city of burgundian dukes , has been newly redecorated .
- 这家迷人的旅馆,在第戎门,勃艮第公爵的省会城市,已被新装修。
- A middle high german epic poem written in the early 13th century and based on the legends of siegfried and of the burgundian kings .
- 尼伯龙根之歌写于13世纪早期中古德国著名史诗。以西格弗里特和勃艮第国王们的传奇为基础所写。
- The rich meat dishes and cream sauces of burgundy are not only due to burgundian excellence in raising cattle , but in large part to the economic prosperity of this region over several centuries .
- 丰富的肉类菜肴,勃艮第的奶油酱汁不仅归因于勃艮第养牛的卓越,大部份归因于该地区几个世纪以来经济的繁荣。