The baron , who was a dinosaur buff , identified the bone as belonging to a dwarf dinosaur that likely once lived on an island in the region .
It is said that those who don 't know history are condemned to repeat it - and as any history buff can tell you , much of history is something you would not want to repeat .
At home , the diminutive film buff enjoys hollywood action movies and hears tales of life in the west from his swiss-educated children , while trotting out the party line in public .
As a science fiction buff , I 'd be much more impressed if we found an alien organism that has blood that is so corrosive that it dissolves metal -- as imagined in the 1979 film " alien . "
He has few outside interests , but he reads a lot he majored in history at harvard and remains a history buff and is a keen judge for the financial times and goldman sachs business book of the year award .