Mysterycastle was built by boyce luther gulley over 15 years .
Once it ended , however , mr boyce left and mr vasquez returned .
When mr boyce went back to the building late that night , a police guard stopped him from entering .
Data gathered with a secchi disk are roughly as accurate as observations collected by satellites , boyce said , although satellites have greater global reach .
His great-great-grandfather , william boyce thompson , flirted with bankruptcy in the old west and founded newmont mining , now a $ 23 billion company .
Greg boyce , chief executive of peabody , told investors recently that the world economy was at " the early stages of a long-term supercycle for coal " .
Cuisines from such provinces as sichuan and hunan , known for their spices , overpower bordeaux , mr. boyce said earlier this year .
He is the scion of an american frontier family . His great-great-grandfather , william boyce thompson , flirted with bankruptcy in the old west and founded newmont mining , now a $ 23 billion company .
" It 's very disturbing to think about the potential implications of a century-long decline of the base of the food chain , " said lead author daniel boyce , a marine ecologist .
But one mile away dean boyce , also styling himself executive chairman , sat in a newly established rival office and told bemused employees to take no orders from mr vasquez or his team .