Biden 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Vice president joe biden plans to host the group 's first meeting may 5 .
- 副总统拜登(joebiden)计划在5月5日主持这个团体的第一场会议。
- Earlier this month america 's hospital bosses gathered in washington , dc , with vice-president joseph biden .
- 本月早些时候,美国医院的领导者们和副总统josephbiden齐聚华盛顿。
- Joe biden survived several incidents , before becoming america 's vice-president .
- 乔拜登(joebiden)在成为美国副总统前,安然度过几起类似事件。
- Mr. obama spoke after vice president joe biden accepted the democratic nomination for a second term .
- 奥巴马是在副总统乔拜登接受第二任期的党内提名后作出的发言。
- Joe biden , america 's vice-president , said in june that such software would be used to prevent fraud within the government 's medicaid and medicare health-care schemes .
- 美国副总统joebiden说,在6月,该软件有望在政府的医疗补助计划以及医疗卫生健康方案中被用来防止诈骗。
- Vice-president joe biden has visited america 's main central european allies , as well as ukraine and georgia , to dispel feelings of neglect .
- 副总统乔伊比登访问了美国主要的中欧盟国,乌克兰和乔治亚,消除了疏漏带来的不快。
- Democratic presidential candidate barack obama introduced senator joe biden as his running mate saturday .
- 美国民主党总统候选人奥巴马在星期六介绍了他的副总统竞选夥伴,参议员乔.
- " Who among us understands what to do about pakistan " joe biden asks a good question .
- “我们中有谁知道该为巴基斯坦做些什么?”约毕丹提了一个好问题。
- He also is expected to hold talks with vice president joe biden during his two-day visit .
- 预计他在为期两天的访问中还将与副总统拜登会谈。
- Mr. biden offered two examples that he said showed the president 's bravery .
- 拜登先生举出了两个他说显示了奥巴马总统勇气的例子。