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- Aiding those young women ' becomes a passion that is incredibly exciting , ' ms. beyer says .
- 拜尔说,帮助这些年轻女性成了让人极其兴奋的一种激情。
- Mr beyer points to a poll showing support for free higher education falling from 80 % to 45 % over the past year as evidence that the government is starting to win the argument .
- beyer作的一项民意调查显示在过于几年免费高等教育的支持率从80%下降到45%,这是由于政府正开始赢得这场争论。
- Ms. beyer stayed in touch with the young woman and would visit her class to teach entrepreneurship and take the students on field trips to wall street .
- 拜尔与这名年轻的女教师保持着联系,并会去她的班级教授创业精神课,并带学生去华尔街实地考察。
- As a young bank executive in the mid-1970s , charlotte b. beyer remembers that there wasn 't a women 's room on the floor of the executive dining room of where she worked .
- 上世纪70年代中期还是一位年轻银行高管的拜尔(charlotteb.beyer)记得在她工作的地方,高管餐厅所在楼层没有女卫生间。
- But kerstin beyer , a german-british divorce lawyer at the international family law chambers in london , says the tables are often stacked against the poorer ( and usually less knowledgable ) spouse .
- 但是伦敦国际家庭法律商会的德英离婚律师科斯汀贝尔(kerstinbeyer)说,情况往往会对弱者不利(通常在其不知情的情况下)。
- During ms. beyer 's board service and as a volunteer for the school , she says that she 's had the opportunity to watch as young women ' blossom ' into leaders .
- 在服务于学校董事会和担任志愿者期间,拜尔说她有机会目睹年轻女性成长为领导者。
- Ms. beyer , 63 years old , graduated from westover in 1965 . Though going to the school wasn 't her choice back then .
- 现年63岁的拜尔1965年从威斯多佛毕业,但当时进入这所学校并非她的选择。
- Beyer hopes to be the nation 's first elected transgender politician at the state level .
- 拜尔希望自己能成为美国首例州一级的变性获选者。
- Richard beyer , chief executive of chip company freescale , predicted that 30 smart books would be launched in the first quarter of 2010 .
- 芯片公司飞思卡尔(freescale)首席执行官理查德拜尔(richardbeyer)此前预测,2010年一季度将有30款智能本上市。
- Ms. beyer 's mother attended the school and it was expected that she would , too .
- 拜尔的母亲也曾就读于这所学校,所以大家预计她也会进入该校念书。