Only starting from the past ontology can we understand how bergson constructed his philosophical system and further discover its shortcomings .
Just as many of contemporary western philosopher , bergson try to make his philosophy to surpass materialism and idealism that are two contrary philosophies .
She had never forgiven john bergson for bringing her to the end of the earth .
If bergson rose rapidly to fame , it was because he had the talent .
In eleven long years john bergson had made but little impression upon the wild land he had come to tame .
Taking " intuition " as the core concept , bergson developed his life philosophy featuring " time " .
Bergson proclaimed that there are three modes of apprehending the world : perception , rationality , and intuition .
But after a flurry of activity , this concept , originated by professors bergson and samuelson , quickly struck rocky waters , and virtually sank under the impact of various criticisms .
In the psychology change of the west of the 20th centuries , henri bergson is the most important philosopher , however he has already been almost forgotten in modern philosophy field .
Meanwhile , the paper ponders over the injustice caused by times and history , like that suffered by bergson , and looks forward to just and objective evaluations of historical thinkers from academic circles .