英音  [ˌbekəˈrel]    
美音 [bɛˈkrɛl, ˌbɛkəˈrɛl]    


贝克勒尔(Antoine Henri,1852-1908,法国物理学家,曾获1903年诺贝尔物理学奖)

Becquerel 变化形式

易混淆的单词: becquerel

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Japan 's food sanitation law , the temporary regulations , per kilogram of milk and dairy products , the maximum activity of radioactive iodine 100 henri becquerel , the activity of radioactive cesium 200 becquerel .
Since antoine henri becquerel , the french physicist , discovered the radioactivity of uranium in 1896 , scientists in different countries have dedicated to the exploitation and utilization of nuclear energy . The first man-made nuclear reactor was run in 1942 , which means the human being stepped into the nuclear age .
Becquerel handed the phenomenon off to his student marie curie and her husband pierre .
The photovoltaic effect a phenomenon allowing light-to-electricity conversion was first described by the french physicist edmond becquerel in 1839 .
The results -- including those for radioactive elements -- use a scale that runs from minus 20 to plus 20 , eschewing the becquerel or sievert units commonly used to detect exposure .
The photoelectric effect was not discovered until 1839 , when alexandre becquerel , a french physicist , observed that light could generate an electric current between two metal electrodes immersed in a conductive liquid .