

[人名] 巴希尔;[地名] [伊拉克] 拜希尔(布谢里耶的旧称)

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Mr. bashir recently warned he would shut oil pipelines if the south doesn 't maintain a 50-50 revenue-sharing agreement made in 2005 , or agree to pay a fee for each barrel of oil it produced .
Mr. bashir 's visit to china marks a rare overseas trip by the african leader , who is wanted by the international criminal court for alleged war crimes .
Mr. bashir 's northern government and leaders in the south have been unable to reach an agreement on how to share oil revenues .
Mr bashir and his national congress party were already well ahead in the results already announced from the 11-15 april elections .
Mr. haroun , like mr. bashir , faces charges by the international criminal court for crimes against humanity .
In 2009 , the international criminal court in the hague issued an arrest warrant for mr. bashir on charges of war crimes in the darfur region , making him the first sitting head of state to be charged by the court since it was formed in 2002 .
The bbc 's james copnall in khartoum says president bashir 's re-election could be interpreted as a popular rebuke for the international criminal court , which has issued an arrest warrant against him for alleged war crimes in darfur .
Mr. bashir , who leads northern sudan 's government from khartoum , has threatened to close oil pipelines if the south doesn 't maintain a 50-50 revenue-sharing agreement dating from 2005 , or doesn 't agree to a fee for each barrel of oil it produces .
Pressed by reporters if the u. for accountability meant it welcomes the arrest warrant for mr. bashir , duguid said the icc action " can be a helpful step , " and that the united states will monitor how the case against the sudanese leader proceeds .
Khartoum has denied the war-crime allegations against mr. bashir .