Its second part , the new testament , completed about ad 100 , is indeed far more recent than the four last named literature , and is somewhat posterior to the augustan age of the latin language , but it is older by ten centuries than our earliest modern literature .
The augustan age of english literature includes the writers dryden , swift and pope .
Amazingly , make the emperor royal royal medicine formula recovered in hong kong and the gold group production superior qinfeng instability augustan basically the same formula sugar capsule .
Rome in the augustan age was considered a large city by those who knew it .
This period has well been called the " augustan age " of the jewish annals .
When it was decided that we should sail for italy , they handed over paul and the other prisoners into the care of an officer of the augustan battalion , named julius .
Unfortunately , in regard to augustan rome we are confronted with an irremediable lack of vital statistics .