
Apsaras 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- On the Artistic Beauty of Flying Apsaras in Dunhuang
- 论敦煌飞天艺术之美
- The Glass Palace and the four Apsaras disappeared .
- 说完,玻璃宫殿和四个阿帕莎拉都消失了。
- Apsaras is an aesthetic element of Cambodian tradition and is one of the largest symbols of Cambodia ’ s art and culture .
- Apsara是柬埔寨传统审美元素之一,是柬埔寨艺术和文化的重要标志。
- Amazing as it may seem , the greedy Mittavinda went on to seven days of pleasure in a sparkling Jewel Palace with16 Apsaras .
- 叫人称奇的是,贪婪的弥达维德继续前行,居然到一座闪烁的宝石宫殿里与十六个阿帕莎拉共享了七天的快乐。
- The magnificent palace , the performing Bodhisattvas , the dancing and flying apsaras and birds , and the common people consist of a happy and elegant world .
- 富丽堂皇的宫苑,奏乐歌舞的伎乐菩萨,伴随歌舞的飞天和神鸟,共同构筑了一个欢乐、优雅的理想世界。
- You are the white flower in the hand of flying Apsaras . The flower falls on the sea of my feelings with a splash making spray of happiness .
- 你是飞天捧着的洁白花朵,降在了我的心间,我那感情的海哟,飞溅起幸福的浪花。
- The great significance of Dunhuang murals line is to rediscover and recognized the line form the Dunhuang flying Apsaras charm , made the sense of visual tension and momentum is strengthened .
- 敦煌壁画线条的伟大意义在于重新发现和认可了线的形式魅力,使敦煌飞天视觉感的张力和冲力被强化。
- The apsaras holding fish in Wanfoshan Grotto is a provider for the deity , which is a special cultural phenomenon in the process of chinesizaton of Buddhism in Northern Wei Dynasty .
- 万佛山摩崖立佛龛下奉鱼飞天乃为供养天,是北魏佛教汉化过程中特有的文化现象,表现了中原文化对外来佛教神祇的改造与重塑,是地域文化和民俗信仰在石窟造像中的反映。
- In Buddhism art , Flying Apsaras is the decorative art figure , which displayed by painting , sculpture , etc , at the same time is the most characteristic adornment picture in Dunhuang mural .
- 飞天是佛教美术中以绘画、雕塑等形式出现的装饰性艺术形象,也是敦煌壁画中最有特色的一种装饰画。
- With the rise of cultural tourism and launching of tourism hotlines in Jiuquan , “ the ancient flying apsaras ” and the “ modern space ” have been regarded as the sign and the brand of cultural tourism resources of Jiuquan .
- 随着文化旅游业的兴起和酒泉旅游热线的推出,古代飞天和现代航天已经被作为酒泉文化旅游资源的标志和品牌。