


Antarctica 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- And a penguin dives into the water from an iceberg in antarctica .
- 南极洲,一只企鹅跳下身后的冰山,潜入水底。
- The u. s. national ice center currently uses satellites to track large icebergs near antarctica .
- 目前,美国国家冰雪中心正在用卫星追踪漂浮在南极洲附近的大号冰山。
- They inhabit all the continents from frosty antarctica to burning australia .
- 它们在各大洲都有分布,从冰冻的南极洲到灼热的澳洲,概莫能外。
- A hanging glacier throws off an avalanche of snow in antarctica 's south georgia island .
- 发生在南极洲的南乔治亚岛的雪崩,悬着的冰川直接沿山而下。
- Now , only africa and antarctica remain as continents that have not been awarded an olympics .
- 现在,只有非洲和南极洲这两块大陆还没赢得过奥运会主办权。
- Each december , while darkness engulfs the arctic , antarctica enjoys round-the-clock sunlight .
- 每逢十二月,当黑夜笼罩在北极上空,南极洲就开始享受着极昼的阳光。
- Australia claims jurisdiction over 40 per cent of antarctica but this is not recognised by most other countries .
- 澳大利亚宣称其对南极洲40%的面积拥有权利,但是大多数国家都不承认这一点。
- Van cotthem 's early experiments with his soil are now literally bearing fruit on every continent except antarctica .
- vancotthem的早期土壤实验现在都逐渐地在除了南极洲之外的每一个洲上结出了果实。
- But here in antarctica , crabs haven 't lived in coastal waters for the past 40 million years .
- 但在南极洲,蟹类在过去的4千万年中都从没有在海岸水域生活过。
- This amazing view of antarctica in its entirety is a composite image captured by aqua on jan. 27 , 2009 .
- 令人惊叹的南极洲全景合成图像,是aqua卫星在2009年1月27日抓取的。