Ander 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Ander page in bordello exposed 2 .
- 安德暴露在妓院2页。
- Comm ander , what is going on here ?
- 队长这里发生了什么?
- The comm ander says , threats against oil facilities in the gulf are nothing new , but need be tak en seriously , because terrorists have tried to attack such inf rastructure in the past .
- 司令官说,针对海湾油田设施的威胁不是什么新鲜事,但是需要谨慎对待,因为恐怖分子在过去已经尝试过攻击这类基础设施。