Nasa officials said the station 's six-member crew - including a third american , shannon walker , and three russians , the commander aleksandr skvortsov , mikhail kornienko and fyodor yurchikhin - was not in any immediate danger .
I never violate my conscience : interwiew with aleksandr solzhenitsyn .
Examples from the 20th century are numerous , from the doomed provisional government of 1917 , which ushered in the bolshevik revolution , to the conflict between boris yeltsin and his vice president aleksandr rutskoi , which led to armed confrontation in the streets of moscow as recently as 1993 .
President aleksandr lukashenko recently affirmed that the retirement age will not be raised anytime soon -- though he did suggest that if workers desired to keep working after they reach retirement age , " it is a good addition to a pension , and we should support it . "
A leading soviet journalist and later a passionate herald of glasnost , aleksandr bovin , wrote in 1988 that the ideals of perestroika had " ripened " amid people 's increasing " irritation " at corruption , brazen thievery , lies , and the obstacles in the way of honest work .
Gunmen tried to kill the president of abkhazia , a russian-backed rebel enclave in georgia , with rifles , grenades and a bomb . It was the sixth attempt on aleksandr ankvab 's life ; he survived this attack , but one of his bodyguards died .
However aleksandr managed to get into the train , it was not by foot .
Does vladimir putin wear his baldness better than erstwhile ally aleksandr lukashenko ?
" The chernobyl catastrophe occurred and these areas were littered with radioactive fallout , " said aleksandr nikitin , director of the st. petersburg office of bellona , an international environmental group .