- 贝卢斯科尼似乎已充分意识到灾难所伴随的危险与机遇。
- Mr berlusconi seemed fully aware of the dangers and opportunities that accompany disasters .
- 你享受一个人的旅行,因此我不能想陪你就陪你。
- You were happy travelling alone and , anyway , I was not free to accompany you .
- 她是他的什么人呢女儿,太太,还是在旅行中仅仅雇来陪伴他的人?
- What is she to him-daughter , wife , or simply someone hired to accompany him on his travels ?
- 该条约的主要条款包括组建一支联合远征部队和一个联合航母作战群,舰载机与护航舰只由两个国家分摊。
- The main items in the pact are a combined joint expeditionary force and an agreement to operate aircraft-carrier strike groups using aircraft and escort vessels contributed by both countries .
- 如果将来土耳其派遣自己的海军为突破封锁的船只护航,两国关系将迅速进一步恶化;以色列已表示,它将制止任何此类企图。
- A further deterioration would quickly follow if turkey sent its own navy to escort future blockade-busting ships ; israel has said that it would stop any such attempt .
- 浪漫喜剧《合约情人》反映雇用情侣当护航者的趋势,目的是要阻止父母做媒.
- The romantic comedy contract lover reflects the trend of hiring an escort in an attempt to stop parents matchmaking .